Solid Rock Foundation

What is Solid Rock Foundation?
Solid Rock Foundation provides a healthy, safe and secure environment for young people and their families to cultivate and develop fortified, emotionally cohesive and wholesome relationships. In training and developing caregivers, we model an emotionally healthy lifestyle and conflict resolution through various activities.

Ranch Week Experience
Each summer we offer a weeklong program for students from grades 1 through 12 geared toward establishing quality, flourishing relationships. At Ranch you will find students and leaders connecting though a wide variety of activities and classes like horseback riding, cake decorating, sports clinics, kayaking, archery, team building, rock climbing, fishing, and much more.

Training Program Offered By Solid Rock Foundation
Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) caregiver training: Parents, caregivers/staff and professionals trained in TBRI are able to help their children heal from past relationship-based traumas, and develop positive relationships and behaviors. TBRI training consists of four classes based on three principles:
(1) Introduction and overview;
(2) The Empowering Principles, designed to
(a) meet the child’s basic needs for hydration, nutrition, and physical activity, and
(b) instill a sense of felt-safety by creating and environment that is predictable and child-centered;
(3) The Connecting Principles are designed to enhance:
(a) caregiver awareness and self and child,
(b) engagement and nurturing interaction,
(c) dyadic attunement;
(4) The Correcting (Shaping) Principles include both
(a) proactive strategies such as teaching self-regulation and prosocial skills, and
(b) reactive strategies that yield effective, positive, and non-punitive responses to child misbehavior.

Youth Mentorship Programs
We teach life by building a bridge for students to cross into adulthood with mentorship programs and activities by giving them the tools they need to build a firm foundation of emotional health. Our heart is to furnish a safe and wholesome environment for all students to cultivate and promote healthy, mature relationships by bringing them together with local business owners and leaders. Who will in turn mentor, educate and teach students.

Who Benefits From Solid Rock?
Our ultimate goal is to establish and provide a safe, healthy environment for kids to have fun without compromising their values. Over the years we have become just that for students that may come from difficult or challenging backgrounds; truly a place of genuine acceptance for students that are often unwelcome in other programs, as well as students that desire to grow in leadership skills. We provide a place to be a mentor and to lead by giving them a chance to be heard and empowering them to lead in healthy environment. Our goal is to set them on a course to become positive contributors to society.